[PDF Replica] ZOTTO LO RUSSO - Problems in General Physics. Mechanics and Thermodynamics
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This collection of exercises proposes a relevant choice of the written tests assigned to the Information Engineering Courses of General Physics in the past Academic Years. An accurate selection of the problems has been done. They have been organised by item with the addition of a largely commented solution with the purpose to provide students with an advanced tool for the preparation for the written part of the examination. Every item is gradually introduced; but a sufficiently deep theoretical knowledge of the matter of study is anyway required in order to correctly understand the presented situations. The proposed problems are the ideal complement to the exercises solved by a Professor while lecturing or the ones offered in theory textbooks as worked out examples or problems to be solved.
PIERLUIGI ZOTTO is an Associate Professor at the Physics and Astronomy Department of Padova University. His field of research is Particle Physics. He works on the project and development of apparatuses for particle detection. He held courses in Experimental Physics at Polytechnic University of Milan and at present he lectures at the Engineering School of Padova University.
SERGIO LO RUSSO has been Full Professor in Experimental Physics at the Physics and Astronomy Department of Padova University. He lectured in Experimental Physics for the Engineering Courses of Padova University. His research has been in Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science by using accelerators.